Where Shall We Go? by Joan Saxby


“I want to go away”
My husband heard me say.
“Where would you like to go?”
He replied, “Just think a mo’.”

“I would Like to go to the seaside
But YOU will have to decide’
“I would like to go to the sea.”
“Are you sure, you already live by the sea?”

“Yes, but somewhere different
That’s warmer; that’s important.”
“Well, shall we go to Spain?’’
“Yes, I suppose we could go again.”

“So, which of the Balearic Islands has it to be?”
“One we haven’t visited would suit me.”
“Well, that still leaves quite a few.
So let’s sit down and think what to do.”

“Trouble is a few have had bad reports in the news.
Perhaps we’d be better off on a cruise?”
“Yes, sunshine and sailing that would suit me.
Of course, as long as there’s not a rough sea.’’

"I don’t like flying, so we would have to motor to the port
Hoping for no motorway queues, in case we’re caught short
Don’t get cross with me and please stay cool,
O Blow it! We’ll go to Blackpool."


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