National Poetry Day

Don’t forget – its National Poetry Day on October 3rd so look out for events in your area. Locally, Retford Library are holding an event on the day from 2pm which includes a talk on the poetry of Philip Larkin by local enthusiast Rob White, followed by a poetry cafe. Find out more at: Come along – you might meet some of our writers there!

Readings in Retford

This weekend the North Notts Lit Fest was in full swing in Retford and the Retford Writers Group reading was just one of many exciting events taking place in different venues around the town. Since our slot was fairly early on Saturday morning we weren’t expecting too much of an audience, so were pleased to see the newly created cafe filling with people as 10:00 a.m. approached.

Eleven members each read a piece of their work, and for this session we all chose something a little lighthearted, which we felt was more appropriate for a sunny Saturday morning!

Although there was a fairly modest number in the audience, they all seemed very appreciative, and we were delighted to hear afterwards how much they had enjoyed the session. Our thanks go to the organisers of NNLF for giving us the opportunity to share our work with local residents, and we very much hope that the rest of the weekend was as successful as our session!

Come Hear Us!

North Notts Literary Festival

Exciting news folks! Retford Writers Group have their very own slot in this upcoming festival. Why don’t you come along and hear our talented poets and story tellers read some of their more light-hearted work on

Saturday, 14th September, 10:00 – 11:00 a.m.

at The NNLF Lounge, Chapelgate, Retford, DN22 6PJ

See the full programme at

Also… watch out for our very own Kevin Murphy and Pete Brammer who are both hosting their own spots during the course of the Festival!


The much anticipated launch of our anthology ‘All the Write Pieces’ took place on Thursday (9th May) evening, and what a successful occasion it was! Our members were able to read excerpts of their work to an attentive and appreciative audience which packed the room. We had lots of positive feedback and managed to sell copies of the new edition too. So many thanks to all those who came along and supported us, and a big pat on the back to all our talented writers.

In honour of the occasion we thought the prompt for the next session should be:


As usual, feel free to use this, or any of it’s forms in any way you choose. If you can’t come along to the meeting, why not try writing a piece anyway and share it with us via this site? We’d love to read it.

Tonight’s the night!

All the write pieces cover imageYes, it’s time to put on make-up, it’s time to light the lights*…  The official launch of our anthology is just a few hours away, so we’re all busy rehearsing and preparing.  I do hope you’ll be able to join us for this celebration of the talented Retford Writers.  The launch will take place in Retford Library, at 6:00 p.m. this evening (9th May 2019).  The writers will be reading excerpts from some of their contributions, and there will be a chance to chat, buy copies of the book, and enjoy some celebratory drinks and nibbles. Do come along, and of course, if you are an aspiring Retford Writer join our group and maybe your piece will be published in the next anthology!

* thanks to the muppets for the quote!!